Export Log Prices

Industry News Management

Good news – export prices now moving back up. This means the export returns are close to long run average prices while the domestic prices are still at or above the long run average.

Export log prices New Zealand August 2023 Waipa Forest Management

Harvest Ready

All forests require preparation before harvest. The amount of preparation varies depending on each forest, but generally this depends on access, waterways, and terrain.

All of these have to be factored into the harvest plan before it is prepared and ready for the Regional Council to inspect.

To achieve the best results you need to be ready to harvest once your other factors such as log market, cash flow requirements, weather conditions, or other operations on the land are lined up. There is also the consideration of having a suitable harvest crew available too.

Being harvest ready will certainly place you in the best position to create maximum value from your forest.

We can help forestry owners and managers in the Waiato, Bay of PLenty, Hamilton to Coromandel,



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