You had the vision to plant your forest. We have the expertise to maximise the value for you.
Harvesting Marketing Forest Management
We work together with forest owners to create the best solution for their forest. Large forests with good access will have a lower cost structure than small forests with intermittent access.
What is the best location for roads and processing sites? What else is happening on the property? What are the environmental constraints? What is the ideal timing and duration of harvest? What are the hazards? What will the site look like once the trees are removed? All these points and more will help to create the optimum plan. Working together will get the best result.
We tailor a marketing plan to suit each forest. We don’t have “off the shelf” plans as each forest needs individual attention to the best markets. We have strong industry relationships that have been built over many years. These relationships provide certainty of supply and maximum prices for your logs. We are independent from all log processors and exporters so we can make decision for the best result for the forest owner. We work for you!
Forest Management
We can create a strategic plan for your forest. This will take into account for future cashflow requirements, environmental constraints and considerations, aesthetic values, desired income levels.
We design a strategic plan to suit you and the forest.
“Over the last 18 years Rob has developed and maintained professional working relationships with a variety of domestic and export customers (on behalf of Crown Forestry) within the Wider Bay of Plenty and Central North Island regions.
I have no hesitation as recommending him as a hardworking and competent forest manager and I would be pleased to act as a referee at any time.”
Warwick Foran
General Manager Crown Forestry