Registered Forestry Advisors

Industry News Management

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Todd Cheesman and Rob Angus, Directors of Waipa Forest Management have been through the process and are now registered forestry advisors

As part of the Forests (Log Traders and Forestry Advisors) Amendment Act 2020 all Forestry Advisors are required to be registered as of August 2023.

The registration system includes a public register. The register shows the contact details and location of registered log traders and forestry advisers. It may also show their websites, whether they identify as Māori, and iwi affiliations. Forestry adviser listings include their registration category.

See Public register of forestry advisers here

Benefits of registration

The system will assure anyone dealing with registered log traders and forestry advisers that they meet the forestry practice standards, and they are receiving expert and impartial advice from forest advisers with the right knowledge and experience.

Registered log traders and forestry advisers have passed a background check, including a criminal conviction check. (This is referred to as “fit and proper person requirements” in the regulations and legislation.) Registered forestry advisers must also provide evidence of their qualifications and experience. Once registered, log traders and forestry advisers have ongoing obligations they must meet.



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